Monday, June 1, 2009

Best Laid Plans...

Well my original goal was to try to get the trailer done by the end of this weekend. You guessed it, this weekend came and went and the trailer is not quite done yet. But I was able to make some progress on Saturday and the results are not too bad.
As far as the trailer goes, there are only 3 major elements left to do.
  1. The side doors need to be built and have the windows installed.
  2. The wiring and trailer lights have to be installed.
  3. The box that will go on the tongue needs to be designed and built.

I have decided that while wooden fenders will be really cool there is nothing keeping me from doing those later. The majority of the frame has been covered and many of the final trim details are done. As it stands I think it will need 2 good days to be finished.

The lower hatch dorrs turned out really well and other than the fact I have run out of copper screw caps, it looks all finished. The trailer lights will be set into the bumper and then the marker lights will be mounted on the sides along the bottom skirt board.

The inside of the galley have been polyurethaned and looks really nice. Notice the paper towel holder.

The Brazilian Cherry laminate flooring has been put installed in the cabin and really finishes off the insterior well.




  2. One word, "WOW!"

    Get it on the road!

    Some doors might be useful though to keep the squirrels out. ;-D

  3. Oh my goodness! It looks so great! Wow...I am very impressed!
